1st Joint Meeting on HEREDITARY BREAST & OVARIAN CANCER, Bari Sept 10-12


The 1st Joint Meeting  on HEREDITARY BREAST & OVARIAN CANCER: RISKS AND CHALLENGES has been held  at the Medical School of Bari-Italy on September 10-12, 2009.

The Joint Meeting “Hereditary breast & ovarian cancer: risks and challenges” represents a continuation of conferences independently held on this topic in the two Institution since 2003: 2nd International Workshop on Familial Breast Cancer at the National Cancer Institute of Bari and V Lynne Cohen Foundation Meeting at the University of New York. The co-organizers believe that a close dialogue on scientific, ethical, and clinical issues by participants on both sides of the Atlantic may contribute to a better formulation of future questions. This meeting will be held biennially and will alternate between European and U.S. locations.

The conference has gathered several scientists and young students. Three presentations of the students have been awarded. Discussions and interactions between the faculty and the participants have been strongly favored.

The 2nd Meeting will be held at the New York University, NY – USA on March 24-26, 2011

The 3rd  Meeting at the  National Cancer Institute “Giovanni Paolo II”, Bari – Italy on September 12-14, 2013



Franco Buonaguro

Dr Buonaguro is the Editor-in-Chief of Infectious Agents and Cancer. He is currently the Director of Molecular Biology and Viral Oncology Unit, in the Department of Experimental Oncology at the Natl Cancer Institute “Fondazione Pascale”, Naples - Italy.

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breast cancer hereditary

The most important things we inherit from our parents are their genes. One set of gene from mother’s side and another from father’s side make up a pair of gene and in human bodies most genes are found in pair.
Now, it is written in the genes, how we will look, how we will grow and how healthy we will be through our lifetime. When there is some abnormality in one of the genes, they stop functioning in the way they are expected to do. The genes that have such abnormalities are called mutated or altered genes.

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