Lyon March 2009: Meeting B on Biological Agents


34 Scientists have participated to the Meeting B on Biological agents (24 February-3 March 2009) for the elaboration of vol 100 of IARC Monograph entitled A review of human carcinogens. This issue will represent a relevant and authoritative update on all biological agents so far associated with human cancers.

The volume, which as been coordinated by Vincent Cogliano, Head of  IARC Monographs Programme, with the contribution of several IARC specialists, represents a special IARC Monograph issue in occasion of its 100th volume.

In few weeks Lancet Oncology will publish an official summary of the events as for the previous Meeting A on Pharmaceuticals the first component of Vol 100.

Franco Buonaguro

Dr Buonaguro is the Editor-in-Chief of Infectious Agents and Cancer. He is currently the Director of Molecular Biology and Viral Oncology Unit, in the Department of Experimental Oncology at the Natl Cancer Institute “Fondazione Pascale”, Naples - Italy.

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