BMC series journals sectioned

Recently, our more observant readers may have noticed the appearance of subject sections on some of the BMC-series journal websites. For an example, see BMC Public Health. This new functionality both allows for an author to submit to a specific section within a journal, and also offers the community of readers the chance to browse articles in their specific sub-areas of interest. Of course, this is not the only way to find articles – and those who prefer the direct search, or even the general browse, can still do exactly that!

The BMC series is evolving towards a model of peer review whereby manuscripts are handled by a group of distinguished Section Editors, with the able assistance of expert Associate Editors. Each section within a journal is overseen by a single or group of Section Editors, who assess submissions and assign them to an Associate Editor. Some of the BMC-series journals are not yet using this process, and thus do not yet have sections, but will be moving to this in the coming months. If you are interested in getting involved with any journal, simply contact the Executive Editor via the relevant journal homepage.

We hope that this development provides our readership with a more tailored browsing option, and look forward to introducing more website improvements in the future. If you have any suggestions drop me an email!

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